Our Policy Statement.

Human Rights - February 1st, 2018.

At HSD, we have always set high standards for the way we conduct business – in areas from corporate and social responsibility to sound business ethics, including compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, we are committed to meeting our responsibility to respect internationally recognized human rights standards as set out by the International Bill of Human Rights and the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

Child Labor

HSD will not use child labor. The term “child” refers to any employed person under the age of 16. There shall be no new recruitment of child labor, but we do support the use of legitimate workplace apprenticeship, internship and other similar programs that comply with all laws and regulations applicable to such programs. Children and young persons under 18 shall not be employed at night or in hazardous conditions.

Child Labor Remediation

 In the event that child labor has been used at HSD despite this policy, we will assure the safety of the child while reaching out to legal counsel for our corrective actions.

Freedom of Association

HSD will respect the legal rights of its employees to join or to refrain from joining worker organizations, including labor organizations or trade unions. The company’s long-standing belief is that the interests of HSD and its employees are best served through a favorable, collaborative work environment with direct communication between employees and management. HSD endeavors to establish such favorable employment conditions, to promote positive relationships between employees and managers, to facilitate employee communications, and to support employee development.

Protection of the Environment

HSD is committed to environmental protection. In addition to complying with applicable environmental laws and regulations, every employee must comply with HSD’s environmental policy and the corporate directives and requirements that support that policy. Employees are expected to report any environmental concern or violation of environmental law or HSD requirements to their management. Managers are expected to take prompt action.

Ethical Dealings

Business transactions must be undertaken solely in the best interests of HSD and its Clients. HSD expects its employees to conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical standards, and provides training for affected employees. Employees engaged in company activities that are susceptible to abuses must abide by the HSD Gifts and Entertainment Policy and additional codes of conduct outlined in the company handbook. HSD strictly complies with all laws and regulations on bribery, corruption and prohibited business practices.

Confidential Reporting

While on-site, suggestions or complaints and grievances concerning issues related to employment practices, health and safety, ethical business practices, the environment, cost saving measures, ideas for new products, or product designs can be submitted on paper and dropped into our “Confidential Suggestion Box,” which is opened monthly.

Alternatively, any complaint, grievance, or suggestion in general may be sent to us via our website page.

To submit an anonymous complaint, set up a temporary email address for the email field required on the form.